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Why we need SKILLS more than anything right now

Like everyone else, I too have had extra time to think lately as we move to online learning and working remotely. I have thought about the state of healthcare in our country, people's awareness of and concern for others, and as everyone on Twitter and all of social media, how worthy of a salary increase teachers are. As an introvert (and germphobe), I am comfortable being self-directed and solitary and find that I can work from home with ease. I am left wondering how our students are doing with that monumental task.

As concerns for the environment and access to technology increase exponentially, it won't take coronaviruses to push many people outside their comfort zones and into new school and work settings. I was helping a senior once with a college admissions essay around the topic of millennials and Gen Z and the public image of them. He contended that they brought many skills to the table, despite their reputation for being lazy and entitled etc. He shared a story from his mother, a Gen X business professional who was taken aback when interviewing a 22 year old college graduate for an entry level position and he suggested he wouldn't be in the office 100% of the time. The interviewee was stunned too. It didn't occur to him that he would be expected to be present when more than half of his duties could be done from anywhere. This anecdote had a happy ending as the two discussed and came to a consensus, but not before the knee jerk response of "yup, another lazy millenial" and "yup, ok boomer" (the term gets applied to anyone perceived as being rigid and inflexible, whether they are in fact baby boomers or not).

Though this example is related to generational thinking, it also goes to show that the required skill sets are continuously changing. Just as the job market demands more skilled applicants in STEM fields, it also demands a shift in approaches to work, for everyone, not just young people. For our students right now, it is also demanding a shift in approach. Students need to be able to think critically...and independently. They must be proactive and self-directed. They must be able to access and use multiple modes of technology. They have to shift quickly and transition from video meetings to solo work, between learning platforms, and adapt quickly as new information is disseminated and plans change. They have to practice self-care and make time for social and emotional needs too, but in new and innovative ways.

Imagine if at school, and at home, all this time we had been instructing students in ways that encouraged problem solving and deep thinking (not teaching to tests). Imagine if we were all practicing and modeling adaptability (instead of complaining because plans changed). Imagine if we looked at new demands with a "challenge accepted" mindset and guided our children and students in similar thinking. Whether it is a coronavirus or a 2050 job market, THESE are the skills we will all need, so let's keep teaching them!


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